Germs in your carpets

Waves_20150309  Did you know that your carpets are essentially a catch all for germs. Carpets harbor bacteria, pollen, pet dander, dead skin, dust, insect feces, insect husks, mold; I think we can stop there. Your carpets can be 4,000 times dirtier than a toilet seat!! It can hold about 200,000 bacteria per square inch.

Most people don’t realize the kind of things they are trapping in their carpets. Around seventy five percent of people walk on their carpets with dirty shoes. Your dog could step in feces outside and bring E coli in onto your floors. Dead skin cells in the carpet become food for dust mites. The main risk for people with carpeting are allergens. mites

How can you protect yourself and your family from these threats? Vacuuming of course is crucial, at least once a week.vacuum Experts recommend that you get your carpets cleaned every six months to a year by a professional. Many people use in home rental machines but these aren’t ideal. They can leave a layer of moisture that can create mold and mildew. These machines do not do the water extraction a professional service might do. Deep cleaning of your carpets should become an important item on everyone’s spring cleaning list.
