It’s Vacation Time Again!

Summer is here and vacation are here too!!! We wait all year for this special week that we spend with our loved ones so I really try and make it extra special. I want the grandchildren to always remember that vacation was a favorite time of year for them and full of fun and surprises. To get this “extra special” vacation right, I must start making list. Personally, I like to hand write my list. I find my favorite pen and paper, a quite spot and get started. My first list is nicely organized with each category underlined and the to do list below. It can seem overwhelming to some but for me it is my happy place. I love to make my family happy and throw in a few surprises. One year we did a scavenger hunt on the island we were on. It was great fun!

There are three list right now and I am going to break each one down for you. So if you want to know how we vacation and a few tools to help you vacation, stay tuned. Find your favorite pen and paper, your phone list or however you best like to make list and get ready for some fun!

Until next time……